aviation: SWISS starts record profits in 2023



The airline SWISS posted strong figures last year. With an operating profit of 718.5 million francs, the Swiss airline achieved the best result in its history.

The SWISS airline was able to achieve significant figures in 2023, especially in terms of operating profits and income, but also in terms of passenger numbers. The Swiss airline achieved its best result ever last year with an operating profit of 718.5 million francs. This is all due to strong demand and a competitive cost structure. The airline was also able to gain in terms of sales: the airline generated operating income of 5.3 billion francs. Along with this excellent development, there was also a huge increase in passenger numbers. In 2023, SWISS counted 16.5 million passengers, an increase of 30 percent over the previous year.

The post SWISS achieves record profits in 2023 appeared first on Aviation.Direct.

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