aviation: Flughafen Wien AG with a new human resources manager


Since December 1, 2023, Flughafen Wien AG has had a new human resources manager, Lukas Schreiner. He succeeds Christoph Lehr, who retired after 22 years at the airport.

“We are pleased about the new collaboration with Lukas Schreiner. With his many years of experience in HR and the aviation industry, he ideally complements our management team and will consistently develop our HR agendas. We would like to thank Christoph Lehr for two decades of outstanding commitment. As human resources manager, he made a significant contribution to the airport’s development as the region’s largest employer and also accompanied the company through times that were particularly challenging for human resources, such as the pandemic. “We wish him all the best for this new phase of his life and his future,” said Vienna Airport board members Günther Ofner and Julian Jäger.

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